Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Down and Out in Woodland Hills

Been enjoying lots and lots of time with Dad! We've been hanging out at the park more than I could ever imagine in my wildest dog dreams.

Here, Dad and I are poring over the classifieds for a job.

Did I mention? Dad lost his job. After 19 years at the Los Angeles Times, he and about 150 others got the pink. When she found out, Mom let out a tirade of expletives I would not want to repeat.

##*$$#%%%%@**?& Rat Bastard *&&$$$&%%%#@@#$ Sam Zell &&&%%%@@++&!!!!! The troll billionaire who bought the Tribune Company and is ravaging its newsrooms is pictured below:

As a Brussels Griffon, I pride myself on my ability to chase rats and would love to sink my chops into that Zell creature Mom speaks of.

But fear not. I'm taking matters into my own paws. I will save my family from the breadlines! I've made an appointment with Le Paws talent agency for an audition. So I may have to wear a diaper or two for the cameras. I need my Buddy Biscuits and they ain't cheap.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Now What?

Mom is leaving us for the week, so that means Dad is taking care of us. While I really like Dad, the thought of Mom leaving for the week is scary. I may not get my normal allotment of snacks.

What's a poor dog to do?

But Dad promises to take us to the park each day and let Garbo and me run around. Plus I get to see the man who maintains the park for the city. And he likes me more than Garbo.